






填空题 四、短文填空 (共8题,每题1分,共8分)
Dear boys and girls, as we all know that all of you have got the chance to study online because of the serious situation around China. How exciting it is for many of you guys!   37.____  , along with the excitement, you may meet some problems like spending too much time playing games while having online classes and so on. These problems might make   38.____   impossible for you to study well. So what can we do to improve our online studies? Here are some pieces of advice for you.
Make sure a good connection 
To me, the biggest headache about studying online is the poor quality of my Internet connection.  39.____   one of my online classes, I couldn’t hear my English teacher’s voice and I had to reconnect. It wasted lots of time. Since then, I have checked my network before class every day and asked other family members not to use the  40.____   while I’m having a class. (Zhao Yuchen, 13, Beijing )
  41.____   your time properly 
Studying at home has made it hard for me to plan my time. I had a hard time planning my course timetable at first. Planning plenty of time and creating a study calendar is very important. You need to estimate (估计) how much time you will   42.____   on each task, review your class content(内容), ask questions and take notes, and make a to-do list before doing your homework. These are all good ways to help us learn   43.____   online. (Lin Xiyu, 14, Shanghai)
No distractions(分心)   
Online learning takes strong self-discipline (自律) and willpower. There are lots of distractions while studying at home. My mom likes to offer me snacks and drinks, which sometimes distracts me from listening during my classes. I have asked her to stop interrupting (干扰) me while I’m studying. A   44.____    room and clean desk can help us pay full attention to what we do. 


37. However;38. it ;39. In  ;40. Internet;41.plan;43. better;44. quiet