






填空题 二、完形填空(共20题,每小题1.5分,共20分) One day,I was driving to the airport with my mother. She observed a plane in the sky for a while and said,“It's magic.”I looked at her,__21__.She used to be an engineer,and she should understand better than I how flight is__22__a simple physics equation(方程).It definitely wasn't__23__. But now,I__24__ she was at least partially(部分地)right.__25__flying might not be magic,it's certainly magical.I read a sentence a few months ago,__26__,“you know you're grown-up when you no longer want a__27__seat.”Too often in__28__ years,I've found myself__29__ a seat on the exit row,forgetting the wonders outside the window. I think of one time__30__ I was leaving on a business trip.Moments after take-off,I started working on my computer.But a passenger behind me wouldn't stop talking.“The clouds!” he kept saying,“Look at the clouds!” I__31__ ,and saw two men,one who appeared to be in his 70s and__32__much younger.The chatter continued for 20 minutes until,in frustration,I looked up from my computer screen and opened the window__33__. The clouds! He was right.We were__34__ through giant balls of cotton,soft and fluffy(蓬松的),seemly__35__enough to touch.The afternoon sun__36__ all kinds of colors: pink,red and ivory,all__37__ a blue sky.I closed my laptop and__38__at them for the rest of the flight. I don't remember the__39__ I felt like I had to complete that afternoon.But I've never forgotten those__40__. 21. A. confused B.interested C.delighted D.frightened 22.A. lately B.hardly C.frequently D.actually 23.A. wrong B.true C.magic D.appropriate 24.A. hope B.realize C.wonder D.advise 25.A. That B.While C.As if D.Before 26.A. said B.say C.saying D.to say 27.A. front B.back C.door D.window 28.A. later B.late C.recent D.soon 29.A. asking for B.caring for C.answering for D.accounting for 30.A. what B.where C.which D.when 31.A. walked away B.turned around C.looked forward D.sat back 32.A. another B.the other C.other D.someone 33.A. shade B.curtain C.seat D.light 34.A. sinking B.running C.floating D.swimming 35.A. hard B.close C.far D.clear 36.A. provided B.shone C.lighted D.absorbed 37.A.in B.under C.over D.against 38.A. stared B.glanced C.pointed D.glared 39.A. trip B.computer C.work D.flight 40.A. windows B.conversations C.passengers D.clouds


【国培教师解析】本题主要考察知识与能力—语言应用能力。 【国培教师答案】21-25: ADCBB 26-30: CDCAD 31-35: BBACB 36-40: ADACD 本文讲述了作者一次难忘的在飞机上赏云经历。 22.: 根据本空前的“She used to be an engineer,and she should understand better than I how flight is”可知,身为工程师的妈妈比“我”更能明白飞行实际上(actually)只是一个简单的方程而已; 23: 根据上文中的“It's magic.”可知,这只是一个简单的方程,并不是有魔法的(magic); 24: 根据本空后的“she was at least partially right.”可知,“我”现在意识到(realize)妈妈至少是部分正确的; 25: 根据本空后的“flying might not be magic,it's certainly magical.”可知,虽然(While)飞行可能不是有魔法的,但无疑是不可思议的; 27: 根据下文中的“outside the window”可知,当你不再需要一个靠近窗户(window)的座位时你已经长大了; 28: 根据本空后的“I've found”可知,此处是说在最近的(recent)这些年里; 29: 根据本空后的“forgetting the wonders outside the window.”可知,“我”要求(asking for)在逃生门那一排的座位; 30: 根据本空后的“I was leaving on a business trip.”可知,此处是说当“我”乘飞机出差的时候(when); 31: 根据本空前的“But a passenger behind me wouldn't stop talking.”可知,“我”转过身(turned around)看到两个人; 33: 根据本空前的“I looked up from my computer screen ”及本空后的“The clouds!”可知,“我”拉开了遮光窗帘(window shade); 34: 根据本空后的“through giant balls of cotton”可知,我们在巨大的云层中漂浮(floating); 35: 上文说我们在巨大的云层中漂浮,距离如此之近(close),仿佛一伸手就能触摸到它; 36: 根据本空后的“all kinds of colors: pink,red and ivory”可知,那个下午太阳提供(provided)了各种颜色的光; 37: 上文说那个下午太阳提供了各种颜色的光,此处是说所有的光都映衬(against)在蓝天之下; 38: 根据本空前的“I closed my laptop”可知,“我”关上笔记本电脑,盯着(stared)它们看; 40: 根据上文中的“Look at the clouds!”可知,“我”永远也不会忘记那个下午的云(clouds)。