考教师 金标尺
【国培教师解析】本题主要考察知识与能力——英语语言应用能力。 【国培教师答案】见解析 本文为书信类作文,坐着需要些根据购置新书这个内容来引出提出的建议。 Dear Mr. Wang, Knowing that our library is going to buy books, I’d like to give some suggestions. What we need most are popular science books. Usually popular science books explain basic principles of nature in a simple and interesting way. They help us understand science subjects better and arouse our curiosity about scientific discoveries. In addition to reading for knowledge, we read for fun and inspiration. That is why I recommend another category of books:Literary books. Classic works, which written by masters, present great thoughts through fascinating stories and language. They not only offer us joy and excitement, but also encourage us to think critically. I’ll be glad if you can consider my recommendation. Yours sincerely, Li Yue
3.Every means _____ tried out but never with success, as far as my knowledge goes.
8.教师提高对自己教学活动的自我观察,发现和改进其中的问题,提出改进方案,是教师作为( )的角色。
8.The workers are practicing ______ a new song for the coming evening party of the New Year’s Eve.
7.提出“罢黜百家,独尊儒术”建议,并对后世的文化教育及选士制度产生了深远影响的人是( )。
13.What was so ______ about Jasmine Westland’s victory was that she came first in the marathon bare-footed!
15.Hardly had Sabrina finished her words when Albert said ______, “Don’t be so mean,” pointing a finger of warning at her.
美国课程专家泰勒在《课程与教学的基本原理》中提出了关于课程编制的最重要的问题是( )。
10.班主任既通过集体管理影响个人,又通过对个人的直接管理去影响集体,这样的管理模式称为班级的( )。
4、将教学目标分为认知、情感和动作技能三大领域的是( )
小宝考试成绩不理想,父母答应如果下次能考好就带他去日本旅游,于是小宝废寝忘食地学习,果然在考试中名列前茅。从学习动机理论来分析,这种现象属于( )。
5.When ______ next month, the new hotel can hold 1,000 people.